This course is designed for students who are completely new to chess. Aim of this course is to build a strong foundation so that you can confidently play a game. With strong foundation, it will be easier for you to master the more complicated topics that are covered in next course.
What is a chessboard?
A chessboard is made up of 64 squares out of which 32 squares are of dark colours and 32 squares are of light colours. Light squares have been marked by circles.
What are ranks and files?
Horizontal lines on the chessboard are called ranks and vertical lines on the chessboard are called files. There are 8 files and 8 ranks on the chessboard.
How to find out the name of each square?
You can easily find out the name of any square by looking for the name of file and then looking for the name of rank, then you just combine the two. For example, let’s say you want to find out the name of marked square. This square is on d-file and 4th rank so its name will be d4.
Why chess notation is so important?
Chess notation allows you to save a game of chess and you can review the game later by reading chess notations. Learning chess notation is important because it allows you to read a chess book and analyze any game.
Once you know the basics about chess board, next step in our Online Chess Course for Beginners program is to learn about the pieces
How does a rook move?
Rook moves in a straight line; it can move both horizontally and vertically. It can move one square or it can also move multiple squares.
How does a bishop move?
A bishop moves in a diagonal line, a light squared bishop remains on a light square and a dark squared bishop can move only on a dark square.
How does a queen move?
A queen is the combination of rook and bishop so it can move in straight line like a rook and it can also move in horizontal line like a bishop. Queen is the most powerful pieces on the chessboard.
How does a knight move?
A knight moves in “L” shape. Some people also call it “two and half move” because it moves two steps in a straight line and then takes a turn. Knight is the only piece that can jump over the other pieces.
How does a knight move?
A knight moves in “L” shape. Some people also call it “two and half move” because it moves two steps in a straight line and then takes a turn. Knight is the only piece that can jump over the other pieces.
How does a pawn move?
A pawn moves one step in forward direction only. When a pawn is on the initial rank, then it can move two steps but after that it can only move one step. It moves forward one step but captures diagonally. Pawn is the only piece in chess which cannot move backward.
What happens if a pawn reaches to the last rank of the board?
When a pawn reaches to the last rank of the board you can promote it to any of knight, bishop, rook or queen.
How many queens can I have on chessboard?
You can have maximum 9 queens on the chessboard. When you start the game, you already have one queen and if you can promote your eight pawns then you will have eight more queens so in total you can have 9 queens on the chessboard.
Can a piece jump over the other pieces?
No, (except a knight) your pieces cannot jump over the other pieces. Knight is the only exception; knight can jump over the other pieces.
Can I capture one of my own pieces?
No, you cannot capture your own piece. You can capture only opponent’s pieces.
What is a check?
A check is a move when you attack your opponent’s king with one of your pieces.
Can I capture my opponent’s king?
No, you cannot capture your opponent’s king. You can only checkmate your opponent’s king.
What is a checkmate?
A checkmate is a situation when a king does not have a legal move and it is under attack by one of opponent’s pieces.
What is castling?
Castling is a move when king moves two steps in the direction of the rook and rooks comes to the other side of the king.
How many types of castling do we have?
We have two types of castling: Queenside castling- when king castles with the queenside rook, it is called queenside castling. Kingside castling- when king castles with the kingside rook, it is called kingside castling.
Can you castle when your opponent gives you a check?
No, you cannot castle when your opponent gives you a check. First, you must save your king from check and only in the next move you can castle.
What should I do if my opponent gives me a check?
When your opponent gives you a check then you have three options: First, you can capture the piece that is attacking your king. Second, you can move your king to a safe square. Third, you can block the line of attack by putting one of your pieces in between your king and your opponent’s attacking piece. If you cannot do any of these three things then your king has been checkmated
What is a stalemate?
Stalemate is a situation when you don’t have any legal move and your king is not under any check. Stalemate is a draw.
What is the difference between checkmate and stalemate?
Checkmate means your king does not have a legal move and it is under a check, stalemate means you do not have any legal move and your king is not under a check. Checkmate means you have won the game and stalemate means game is a draw.
Why stalemate is considered a draw?
Well, because the rulebook says so. In the real life, if one army corners another army’s king then it means you win the war so it should be a win in chess also but for some unknown reasons creator of rulebook decided it should be a draw.
What is a pawn promotion?
A pawn promotion is a situation when one of your pawn reaches to the last rank of the chessboard. Most of the time, it’s a reason for celebration because you will get a powerful piece back in the game.
Who is more powerful: king or queen?
Queen is more powerful than king because it has more moves than king but king is more valuable in chess because if you lose the king, you lose the game.
What is the value of chess pieces?
Each chess piece has different value. Pawn has the value of 1 point, knight has 3 point and bishop has 3 points, rook has 5 point and queen has 9 points. King does not have any points.
Sachin Malik Online Chess Coaching for Beginners is much more than a typical online internet chess academy: by enrolling in chess lessons. With us, you'll not only improve your chess and increase your performance, but you'll also enjoy the process as our course is designed in a structured way that makes the learning easy and fun.
This Online Chess Course for Beginners can help you learn the game while saving time and money by reducing the amount of time you spend travelling to and from physical chess coaching institute.
There is no right age to start playing chess, you can start playing chess at any age. We accept students between the age of 6 to 15 years old.
Best way to learn Chess Online is to enroll in an academy that provides Online Chess Classes. You will get all the necessary tools and study material to start learning Chess Online.
Yes, learning chess online allows you to get all the benefits of chess like improved concentration, better problem solving skills and boosts creativity. It also saves you a lot of time and energy because you don’t have to travel to a coaching Centre.
Parents must play an active role to ensure the progress of child. After the class, parents should make sure that child is doing the homework provided by the coaches.
Yes, we follow a meticulously designed syllabus that is refined by hundreds of hours of practice and feedback by students.
We use Elo rating based tools to measure the performance of the students. As the student becomes better at chess, graph of rating will go up. Using Elo rating graph chart, you can easily track the performance of your child.
Yes, we provide the necessary information about the scheduled tournaments in your state. Using our step by step guidelines, you can easily participate in the tournament.
Generally, it takes 2-3 months to complete the beginner level course and 4-6 months to complete intermediate level course.
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