Here is what commonly happens
You decided to master the London system so you go to YouTube and search for a video on London system.
You learn about first few moves of the opening in the video and you feel confident that you have learned the London system.
So, after watching the video, you go to chess.com to apply the new found knowledge and play a game.
Opening of the game goes according to your plan but then opponent plays a move that was not covered in the video…you get confused. You think for some time but you don’t know what to do next! Your opponent has thrown you out of your comfort zone.
You don’t know how to play the middlegame and then after making few mistakes, you lose the game.
Are you watching YouTube videos videos on London system and still not getting good results? …may be a video does not cover all the details of London system in depth.
Because you did not know how to play the middle game! 😊
Memorizing first 10 moves an opening does not mean that you have learned the opening. Far more important thing to learn is: how to play the middlegame of the opening.
If you learn only the opening moves but do not understand the common strategical and tactical ideas of that opening, then you have not learned the opening at all!!
If you want to truly master an opening then you need to understand:
Before I tell you, how you can learn all this about London system, let’s see why we should play the London system in the first place.
Although you can play London system at any level but it is an ideal opening for beginners and intermediate players because
Now let’s see how you can master London system in just 10 classes.
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